Finished various stuff...

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

It feels good to have the muse back in my hairy gorilla chest, my heart bumps in the same rythm as she dances. I feel that i am still not completly with full strenght but i am regaining powers... main powers are used these days in finishing stuff up :)

First, a shot of a little Confrontation miniature. This will be an exchange miniature i did for big A from Graz. Nothing very special but some kind of melancholy in it... still not sure if it is already finished yet, that is why i did not take final photos yet... we'll see..  the bone on the base is the bonepiece from a caiman jaw, yeah that sounds great i know...

Another finished piece is something small i did get from Allan Carrasco, a great sculpt as always by his masterful hands (and small this time). It is called PAYDAY and will be a tiny gift to mati but don't tell him... i know he only looks pictures and doesn't read my blabla so i can write here about it, but you got to keep this hush, hush...

Photos are ok, but not really good, but i am not stressing myself these days because of photos... i keep me far away from stress :)

Keep on happy painting!
Best Regards 

PS: And don't forget to grab your chance to win a miniature!!!

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