Dancing in the dark...

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

Deep jungle greetings out of the cabin party we have these days at Raffa's during Georg's visit here in Augsburg. Here are some photos of those days still in progress.


There is also a new "rule" for those who have a stay at Raffa's - you gopt to paint a rose for Raffa's collection  - rules are there to guide the thing called life and so is this one... on the right you can see Georg's Rose and on the left the one painted up some weeks ago while C. aka Bestienmeister was here... really looking forward to this gorgeous collection...

So far out of the jungle. I really have to say that i recently miss something on the blog. From time to time there is the need for booty - i hope you enjoy... we did - to all the ladies i have to admit this is just a homage to you and boys stay boys :)

Keep on happy painting!
Best Regards

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