Pedobear Miata goes to an even worse place

By Matt Hardigree

Pedobear Miata goes to an even worse place

Pedobear Miata goes to an even worse placeWhen you hear the words "Pedobear" and "Miata" in the same sentence, you know someone's going somewhere they don't belong. In this case, it's a lowered Miata sneaking under an unsuspecting 18-wheeler like Pedobear sneaking under... well... you get the idea.

There are times when we encourage you to "not try this at home" with the secret hope that maybe you will. This is not one of those times. We don't care how fast and furious you think you are, do not do this. Like Flip Mode Squad it's dangerous. So dangerous.

While Hoon of the Day is usually reserved for videos of people flaunting the law and physics in cars, there's no other place for this series of photos taken by commenter Ezalis during a Miata cruise.

Pedobear Miata goes to an even worse place"The truck was just cruising down the highway when he rolled up to it and pointed," said Ezalis. "I wasn't sure what he was gonna do until he was under it. It couldn't have been for more than a minute."

This guy is the biggest hoon of the day, surely. A title he wins in the same way that kid with the lazy eye who was held back in third grade for the second time wins your recess game of King of the Hill by going completely berzerker on everyone. You quickly concede victory and walk away shaking your head before someone gets hurt.

We're not sure if the Pedobear paint job makes this better or worse (4chan'ers need cars, too), but it certainly makes the driver more exceptional — in the definition that means "no one except you is crazy enough to do this."

Pedobear Miata goes to an even worse placeNot sure it's necessary to list the reasons why this is a bad idea. Let's just say if someone doesn't know you're driving under his 18-wheeler and his tires are larger than your vehicle and he stops and you don't you're gonna die. If he blows a tire you're gonna die.

The event occurred in Florida over the weekend. Did we even need to mention that or was it a given?

(Thanks to Ezalis for the pics!)

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