Now it is up to me and my cup of coffee...
After finding a decision about all your great entries was harder than expected here, first there comes my honest expression: I am really stunned by your cars and your imagination. Everyone of you could show off in a post apocalyptic world as everyone has made his totally personal car with much heart and passion. I am very proud of every entry of the famous 29. You can find the big gallery of all entries here - sorry @Peacewagon: I did not yet solve the problem why your pictures won't be shown in the gallery. I am still at it. Now i have to talk about the winners and it still seems a hard decision as i really fell in love with every entry. Such great ideas, such cool conversions, such great detail, such great stories, but there can only be 3 to win the main prizes and some to win extra prizes. In fact you are all winners as you did create something beautiful from the heart and with ton of passion and personality included - you can be very proud and i hope no one is angry with me judging work - believe me, never had such a hard decision to make in the last years. I really did it from the heart and choose those who hit me the most when the email dropped in. Gratitude to all of you for making this contest what it has become...
Please make room for the winner of Massive Voodoo's MAD MAX CAR COMPETITION - the first prize, the RENEGADE goes to:
Nicolas with his "Survivor"
Fasten your underwear and make space for the second placed Car, winning the big Jungle Surprise box:
?ukasz with his "Medic!"
Concentrate on the screen for 30 seconds and make sure you see winner number 3, winning a surprise box from Sockelmacher.de:
Florian with his "Mechanical Bull"
Okay, i made it. Even it was hard as hell. Please know that this really was hard work with headache and non-sleeping nights - as i do love all your cars there are now some special prices which will be randomly given away to everyone who took part. I am using http://www.random.org/ for this. Those who won the main prizes are not allowed to take part in the draw. Let's get it on...

Dave G / N++ (Postapocalyptic buggy)
The Maschinenkrieger Figure Set in 1:20 is won by
Les (Black Pearl)
The Nato Wire by ?tztech is won by
Martin (The Prospector)
The Mini surprise box by BADSMILE Miniatures goes to
Daniel (The Groover Reloaded)
And another special price - in a postapocalyptic world there are no computers, no emails, etc. - so i will write a letter to one person :) - this person is: Jeff (Plum Crazy Jeff) - read you soon :)
Again i have to thank everyone who helped making this contest so cool. I am still amazed by everyone's entry. Please don't feel bad if you did not win something, you've won the pride to have your own Mad Max Car at home. I will prepare the shipping of the prices from next weeks Monday on so please stay patient.
Applause to everyone via comment - clap! clap! clap! Hoorrayy! and for sure to those fabolous cars of the 3 winners. Read you soo, again out of the Mad Max Future :)
Keep on happy painting!
Best Regards