Hello dearest jungle friends !
Today I would like to present you all a little company based in the USA. It is called Troll Forged Miniatures and was founded by my friend Ed ( aka Hive Trygon ).
TFM produces various minis for several genres, fantasy, sci fi and post apocalyptic settings. The range is growing and growing and more cool models are released regularly. Many cool models are on their way to be released soon and expand the already existing ranges they have. The minis are interesting for army commanders as well as painters. Some of the bigger models can be put together from the parts you like most, giving you the possibility to customize your model the way you want it. Another big bonus is the communication and possibility of feedback for the customers.
They also offer a casting service ( the castings are TOP NOTCH and high quality !!! ) to a very fair price. Many well known companies get their minis cast there in lead or resin, depending on the customers choice.
So why is Mati telling you guys this you may ask. Well, TFM has an ever growing online community on their board and the very special thing about the company is, they support amateur sculptors and creative people as well as professionals. The atmosphere on the board is very familiar and friendly and you will have the possibility to exchange experiences and ideas or simply get answers to questions you may have.
So as a thank you for being as nice as TFM is I would like to make big jungle noises to support them a bit. Visit the store, visit the forum and visit the blog to take a look for yourself.
Thanks for taking a look !